Team Tasks (Winter 2002/03)
Date | NNR/Area | Task | Details |
13 October 2002 | Stoborough Heath |
Gorse cutting - Removal of old gorse on a management rotation I would have gone but I didn't know about the task, plus it absolutely chucked it down. Approximately 42mm of rain fell in the Ferndown area that day. Who knows what it was like at Stoborough. |
Meet 10 am at EN office, Slepe Farm, Arne Grid Ref: SY 959858 |
27 October 2002 | Sandford Heath | Pine/Birch cutting - Following on from the first task in September on this new NNR, the team will continue with the removal of young birch and pine from the open heath. |
Meet 10 am at lay-by on A351 Grid Ref: SY 935903 |
10 November 2002 | Hambledon Hill |
Scrub Coppicing - Some areas of scrub on the hill are managed on a long rotation. This maintains the grassland /scrub edge, which is good fro a wide range of invertebrates. Coppicing anoither block is todays task. |
Meet 10 am at Markstone lay-by east of Child Okeford Grid Ref: ST 838122 |
24 November 2002 | Morden Bog |
Pine cutting/pulling - the annual visit to this heathland site within Wareham Forest - clearing young self seeded pine, stopping the invasion of open heathland. |
Meet 10 am at Sherford Bridge lay-by on B3075 Grid Ref: SY 919926 |
8 December 2002 | Holt Heath |
Gorse Cutting - Where possible gorse is coppiced by controlled burning, but where the blocks are too small or tall and leggy, cutting is preferred. There's still plenty to do! |
Meet 10 am at Whitesheet Car Park Grid Ref: SU 047037
5 January 2003 | Stoborough Heath |
Gorse Cutting - Continuation of the October task - may include work on Sunnyside Farm |
Meet 10 am at EN office, Slepe Farm, Arne Grid Ref: SY 959 858 |
19 January 2003 | Sandford Heath | Pine/Birch cutting - continuation of the October task. |
Meet 10 am at lay-by on A351 Grid Ref: SY 935903 |
2 February 2003 | Hartland Moor | Gorse Cutting - A continuation of the management of gorse, breaking up larger blocks and creating a variable age structure for the appropriate bird and invertebrate species. |
Meet 10 am at EN office, Slepe Farm, Arne Grid Ref: SY 959858 |
16 February 2003 | Morden Bog |
Rhododendron clearance - Back to Morden, this time to clear the ever persistent rhododendron. Not much left now |
Meet 10 am at Sherford Bridge lay-by on B3075 Grid Ref: SY 919926 |
2 March 2003 |
Stoborough Heath |
Scrub clearance - back to Stoborough Heath, this time to clear an area from invading scrub, a subtle cahnge from gorse cutting and far less prickly! |
Meet 10 am at EN office, Slepe Farm, Arne Grid Ref: SY 959 858 |