Green Team Tasks (Winter 2001/02)
Date | NNR/Area | Task | Details |
14 October 2001 | Valley of the Stones |
Gorse cutting - A return to this popular site. A continuation of rotation gorse coppicing. It was wet and foggy - only just mangaged to get the Bonfire going -but despite that it was fun! |
Meet 10 am at Farm Buildings Grid Ref: SY 595882 |
28 October 2001 | Hartland Moor |
Gorse Cutting - A continuation of the management of gorse, breaking up larger blocks and creating a variable age structure for the appropriate bird and invertebrate species. Quite a nice day as I recall - not the usual side of the road though. We were clearing gorse and brambles from an old fence line. |
Meet 10 am at EN office, Slepe Farm, Arne Grid Ref: SY 959858 |
11 November 2001 | Holt Heath |
Birch and Pine cutting - Yes there are still some young pines left at the very southern point of the heath! Wellies are advised for access to the site. Oh yes definitley needed wellies - did I have any? No! Did I get wet feet? Yes! |
Meet 10 am at by new Police HQ off Ferndown bypass Grid Ref: SU 070024 |
25 November 2001 | Stoborough Heath |
Scrub Clearance - More Gorse cutting? No! This site has benefitted greatly by the the Green Team's work especially with gorse control! This time a bit of a change with some scrub control. Scrub? Looked like leggy gorse to me - good bonfires though - yes we had three! |
Meet 10 am at EN office, Slepe Farm, Arne Grid Ref: SY 959 858 |
9 December 2001 | Hambledon Hill |
Scrub Clearance - Today we will be clearing scrub where it is invading the open grassland on the western side of the hill. |
Meet 10 am at Markstone lay-by east of Child Okeford Grid Ref: ST 838122 |
6 January 2002 | Slepe Farm |
Hedge Laying - Today's work is probably a first for the Green Team - namely hedge laying. This continues work started in the summer to develop a wildlife garden at the Dorset Team Office. Hedge laying? More like tree laying. Duncan laid one half of the hedge at a neat 45 degree angles, while I helped lay the rest of the hedge Dorset style - as flat as possible to the ground, with trunks and branches intertwined. |
Meet 10 am at EN office, Slepe Farm, Arne Grid Ref: SY 959 858 |
20 January 2002 | Hog Cliff |
Scrub clearance - The Green Team have not worked on this site for some time, so this is a good chance to get stuck into some quality scrub clearance. I don't know what happened - I was busy watching "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" at the cinema! |
Meet 10 am at lay-by on A37 Dorchester-Yeovil Road Grid Ref: SY 622974 |
3 February 2002 | Holt Heath |
Pine cutting - Continuation of the task started on 11 November. Wellies are advised for access to this site. Um...first Sunday of the month...was there something that someone forgot to tell us? A local Clay Pigeon shoot was being held a couple of fields away! Although not that great a risk - noise pollution was more of a problem - a Risk Assessment was duly performed, and a consensus was reached: To carry on with the task, but at a safe distance away from the occasional stray shotgun pellets. On an ecological note - I don't think they use lead shot in shotgun cartridges anymore, so that's good for wildlife. |
Meet 10 am at by new Police HQ off Ferndown bypass Grid Ref: SU 070024 |
17 February 2002 |
Stoborough Heath
Gorse cutting - One of the Team's favorite tasks: we continue blazing a trail breaking up the seemingly never ending blocks of gorse. Supposedly working on Stoborough Heath - we ended up working on the Tramway at the newly purchased Sunnyside Farm. It wasn't very sunny, but it was windy and we almost set fire to a hedge..ooops. |
Meet 10 am at EN office, Slepe Farm, Arne Grid Ref: SY 959858
3 March 2002 |
Hambledon Hill |
Scrub coppicing - Coppicing of a block of scrub on the eastern side to maintain a mix of grass glades and young scrub. |
Meet 10 am at Markstone lay-by east of Child Okeford Grid Ref: ST 838122 |
17 March 2002 |
Valley of the Stones |
Gorse cutting - Continuing on from 14 October task. |
Meet 10 am at Farm Buildings Grid Ref: SY 595882 |